Current Singers

Michele Bergonzi, Molly Burke León, Alison Calhoun, Mary Craig, Daniel Cueto, Laura DeBrunner, Emily Furnish, Karen Gahl-Mills, Sally Gaskill, Scott Grieb, Michael Grubb, Abby Henkel Roman, Christian James, Cindy Kallet, Steven Lawrie, Gabriel Lubell, Mike Mattner, Greg Moore, Amy Osajima, Amira Sabbagh, Mark Schultz, Susan Sullivan, Maria Izzo Walker, Steven M. Warnock, Lara Lynn Weaver, Jeffrey White; Kim Carballo, pianist

Susan Swaney

Artistic Director 2004-present

Susan Swaney has been music director of Voces Novae since 1999 and artistic director since 2004. She is music director for the Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington where she has built a fine 65-voice choir and made music part of an active social justice outreach program. She teaches in the Indiana University Department of Theatre, Drama, and Contemporary Dance, and she is an active freelance music director. More about Susan Swaney >>

2024-25 Board of Directors

Brian O’Donnell, president
Michele Bergonzi, vice president
Sandra Churchill, treasurer
Molly Burke Leon, secretary
Susan Swaney, ex officio

Alison Calhoun
Joan Caulton
Mary Craig
Sally Gaskill
Michael Grubb
Beth Hollingsworth
Steven Lawrie
Patti Russo
Jay Sissom
Melinda Swenson
Lisa Wickes

Past Directors and Singers

Cary Boyce, Music Director 1996 - 1997
Paul McGovern, Music Director, 1997 - 1999

Brandon Adams, Nathan Baer, Janice Bagwell, Sara Bakker, Karen Bennett, Michele Bergonzi, Cary Boyce, Michelle Boyle, Nick Burdick, Carole A.C. Canfield, Sheila Carney, Chris Chance, Tim Chenette, Andrew Cherry, Mark Chilla, Philip Christiansen, Lynn Clark, Curtis Cook, Brian Cummings, Jason Damron, Alexander deVaron, Elizabeth Elmi, Andy Fiss, Laura Kasson Fiss, Brian Galm, Brent Gault, Robert Gehrenbeck, Catherine Golstein, Jason Gotshall, Sam Green, Michael Grove, Alejandro Gómez Guillén, Kurtis Henderson, Roger Henry, Rick Hill, Scott Hogsed, Christine Howlett, Colleen Hughes, Christian James, John Jesseph, Hannah Kelling, Aaron Kercheval, Kimberley Kercheval, Athena Kirk, Sophie Krahnke, David Lasuertmer, David McIntosh, Sylvia McNair, Jennifer Michael, Marvin Miller, Claudia Millicent, Nicole Moody, Alexandra Morphet, Abra Carroll Nardo, Alex Nelson, Bruce Norton, Michael Oriatti, Wendy Perrotta, Ron Peters, Deborah Phelps, Christina Pier, Alan Portzline, Hugh Resnick, Jonathan Rickert, Eli Rodriguez, Erin Roth, Betsy Sabga, Debra Shearer, Martin Shedd, Wilson Shitandi, Jill Suzanne Smith, Thomas Smith, Zsolt Srajber, Bruce Stephenson, Bill Tilghman, Libby Tilghman, William Vannice, Katy Warke, Carmund White, Martin Wilson, Shari Woodbury, Jacob Wooden, Lauren Zachry-Reynolds.

Aaron Kercheval

Founder and Artistic Director, 1996-2003

Aaron Kercheval guided Voces Novae through seven concert programs and both conceived and produced its most ambitious project to date, Meditations on Life~Death, a hard-cover book with two CDs of music and readings exploring life's most profound journey.